The Advance Reader Copies of my book Pursuits Unknown have arrived. For the first time, I get to hold my book in my hand and open it and read what I wrote. If you've never before experienced it, it's a pretty unique feeling. I know I'll get used to it, but I wish I could hang on to this "wow" feeling.
The publicist has ordered 50 of them that will get sent to reviewers. I haven't heard much further about this and I'm a little afraid to ask about them. I did pay for a Kirkus review and I'm trying not to worry about that either. The idea is that even if the review isn't that great, that there will likely be something in in that they can quote.
In the meantime, I'm supposed to be looking through my copies and see if there are any further corrections (I get one more chance.) I am pretty tired of revising, so I was completely convinced that we don't have any and then I look for a quote and I see a phrase that isn't quite right, and I see a line where the layout could be better. Argh. It never ends.
I need to check with my Advance Readers to see if there are any further publishable quotes they'd like to submit to me. Quotes now would go to the Amazon listing. I don't think I can mess around with the cover now.
Then there is one final PDF to approve that is the one that goes to the printer. You do have to pay attention here as my copy didn't have my most recent change, so that had to get fixed at the end.